Tuesday, April 29, 2014

" La Alegria de la casa"

"Eres la alegria de la casa" my grandma would always tell me. With her bright blue wide open eyes and her smiling with her missing tooth on the side of her mouth. Will always be the memory that I have of my dearest grandma. I have never fully understood death until she passed away. Someone so close to me, and so close to my heart. I wish I could tell her one more time how much I love her, and how much I miss coming home to her. Coming home to her sitting in her spot by the window gazing outside. Coming home to her wanting to ask me about EVERYTHING, and to repeat it to her in Spanish since she didn't understand English. I miss hearing her sing. dance. laugh. I miss seeing her. Now, I only see the empty bed, the unworn clothes in a closet, and her smell of perfume. Its not the same, but I do know something, something that will always be true and am sure about, and that is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that he died that we may all be able to live with him again. I know that through him, I can see my grandma again. I love knowing that. It brings me so much peace and comfort. Abuelita yo te quiero decir, tu nieta favorita te amo mucho! Te extrano, y que en realmente quiero ser como tu,  la alegria de la casa!

Half going onto a full......:)

Running with my dad will always be one of the many memories that I will always have of him, and one of  my most treasured ones. He always envisioned me as a runner, and look, lo and behold I became one. I keep remembering when we first started "running" with my dad, we would walk along side of him (atleast I would) and my sister would either ride her bike or scooter and ride along side us. My dad being a grown up and already having expereinced in the whole speed walking/running field, would always tell me "Sharon, match my pace sweety" and as small as I was I could never figure out how to do it, now forward a couple years, and I am beside my dad just finishing my first half marathon with my good ol' man in 2009! Although, I may have struggled and had to walk through some of it my dad was patient enough to talk me through it, and I made it to the finish line. Now recently, on April 19, 2014 I ran another Half Marathon with my Papi, we finished at 2 hours 18 minutes, our pace time was 10:35 min. And from this, I am wanting to train for a full marathon, the lovely thing about it, is, as a family we are going to be walking/running it together so we will see how it goes! I love running, it is my passion, and i want to thank my daddy for being able to spend that time with me and for always pushing me harder! I love my dad!