Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Half going onto a full......:)

Running with my dad will always be one of the many memories that I will always have of him, and one of  my most treasured ones. He always envisioned me as a runner, and look, lo and behold I became one. I keep remembering when we first started "running" with my dad, we would walk along side of him (atleast I would) and my sister would either ride her bike or scooter and ride along side us. My dad being a grown up and already having expereinced in the whole speed walking/running field, would always tell me "Sharon, match my pace sweety" and as small as I was I could never figure out how to do it, now forward a couple years, and I am beside my dad just finishing my first half marathon with my good ol' man in 2009! Although, I may have struggled and had to walk through some of it my dad was patient enough to talk me through it, and I made it to the finish line. Now recently, on April 19, 2014 I ran another Half Marathon with my Papi, we finished at 2 hours 18 minutes, our pace time was 10:35 min. And from this, I am wanting to train for a full marathon, the lovely thing about it, is, as a family we are going to be walking/running it together so we will see how it goes! I love running, it is my passion, and i want to thank my daddy for being able to spend that time with me and for always pushing me harder! I love my dad!

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