Sunday, May 4, 2014

Abuelita Manamica

I have recently been taught something about my lovely little grandma. She took me aside one morning this week, and talked about how she always prays to God, and thanks him for always giving her a new day, and for her life and everything in it. Knowing about her whole life, and everything she has gone through and her being able to tell me she is grateful for everything that has happened to her, and grateful for everything she has. I could see it in her eyes, this sparkle, this light, this happiness within her soul, that being grateful for what we have and for being grateful about life in general, brings us so much joy! I could feel it as as she was expressing this to me. With her teary eyes and beautiful smile, my grandma had taught me a wonderful lesson. That I may be able to remember always, to be grateful to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.

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