Sunday, May 11, 2014

Good friends change you

     Being a college student and going to Brigham Young University Idaho, I have come to know many wonderful people, which in turn have taught me many lessons in life that I will now have a knowledge of and apply to my own life. I love this gospel, and I have met many great people through it,  that have been wonderful examples to me of Christ. Them, meaning my lovely roommates. Their names being Kezi Brown, Rebekah Griffin, Moriah Gaines and Veronica Clark. I think the Lord knew exactly who I needed to room with my first year of college, because although they are my best friends now, it wasn't easy at the beginning.
     I'm giggling to myself right now, remembering the first day of my first semester coming to a new, unfamiliar place, and meeting strangers who I am going to be living with for the next three months. I walk inside the door with my mom and dad and all of my luggage. I see a stranger, tall, beautiful, curly brown hair, or should I say a full set of hair, this was Miss Kezi Brown, asking me "Are you Sharon?"  The second person I meet who opens the door is Miss lovely Veronica Clark. I greet her and her mom, and then I see from the corner of my eye a small girl looking like she could be twelve come out of one of the rooms saying hello to me, this was wonderful Bekah Griffin. From first impressions I am ashamed of what I first thought of my roommates,( but after growing up a little bit) and getting to know them, I have learned a lot and it has helped me become a better disciple of Jesus Christ.
       I will share something about each one of them that has helped me grow through out the time we were together and am still doing now from my wonderful roommates, I want to let them know how much of an impact they each had on me, whether they realized it or not, I love them so much and they are truly my BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets start off, with Krasssyyy Kezziiii!Kezi is a beautiful person, both inside and out. Although there were many things each and everyone of them taught me, I will mention one thing. Something that I have always noticed about Kezi, is her determination to help other people. For example, I remember when our roommate Rebekah had to print something out, and Kezi was the first one to jump in to go and help her and go with her, even though she had something going on sometime soon. Or when I lost something she would always sit up and start helping me look for it, or when Moriah needed help with the printer, Kezi would always be there to help her with it. Or even when we would go to socials, the first thing she would ask, "Do you need any help with anything?" Someone like that is someone I want to become more like. Someone ready at all times to come to the rescue to someone else. Although small and not important it might be, She was always there to help. Now, Rebekah Griffin. I have never met someone so dedicated to the gospel, so faithful, and so loving until I met Rebekah Griffin. She had been teaching me that the whole entire time i was with her. I would wake up every morning to her sitting by the window reading her precious scriptures. I would see her share and give anything she had. She was very thoughtful of other people and had the biggest heart. She had so much love, that it radiated from her countenance. I remember she taught me an important lesson. It was first semester, and it was coming close to the end of the semester, I remember Kezi and I were not being as friendly to each other and there was tension between both of us. I felt very uncomfortable and disliked the way i felt about her, but I couldn't help it. There was anger, and frustration. I remember everyone else left to go out, and I decided to stay home. And Rebekah always being the one who wants to help others. She stayed as well. I was in my room cleaning, and she comes in and asks me Sharon, What is wrong? We talked it out, and I remember telling her, Bekah there is no way i can be friends with her, not everyone has to be best friends ya know? I looked at her, and I could tell I broke her little heart, She sighed and she looked at me and she said, It makes me sad Sharon, that you and Kezi can't be friends, but what would Christ do, he would love others, and I'm not telling you what you should do, but if you feel that way, then that's okay because you can do what you want. (I am paraphrasing what she said, but you get the jist of it) I remember after she left my room that night, I couldn't sleep, I thought to myself I am being so prideful, I was feeling bad already, and I thought to myself, Satan wants me to feel this way towards Kezi, towards anyone that I don't get a long with, Christ would love everyone. Christ would want me to love Kezi. So that night, I knelt down and I prayed with all of my heart, to please give me a chance to feel Gods love for kezi, so that i may not feel this way anymore. That next morning, Was stake conference, And all of the talks were about loving one another. What a coincidence right? I think it was an answer to my prayer, I looked at Kezi, and I started getting teary, she was watching and didnt see that i was looking at her but I couldnt explain how i felt, I felt so much love towards her, i wanted to get up and just hug her, but i decided not to, until after. I then talked to her later, after that and asked her to forgive me for the way that i felt. And looking back now, I couldn't imagine what i would do with myself if I had let Kezi go as a friend! i love her so dearly now, and is one of my best friends. IF it wasn't for Rebekah and her pure and loving heart, I don't

think i would still be friends with Kezi! i want to thank bekah for everything she has taught me. Now, Miss Dark Horse Moriah Gaines. This beautiful girl, was my wonderful roommate my second semester. Since the first day I met her, I loved something so much about her. And that was her ability to be friends with EVERYONE. The ability to be a genuine great friend to everyone she befriended. She never judged anyone. She never talked bad about anyone. That has been a quality that I have been trying to work on and still trying to, but she made it so much easier for me to not do those things. She had such a loving heart, she always reminded me how much she loved me by a hug, or our group hugs she would kiss me, haha she would even let me sleep in her bed when I had a bad nights sleep and couldn't sleep. She would watch movies with me when I was sad, she was always there for me. She was a true friend. Someone I will always want to be to my friends. She taught me that, and I want to Thank her for showing me how to be a true friend to others. I love her so much! Last but not least Veronica, she had taught me the greatest quality that I have needed and still need to work on for the rest of my life. and that is Patience. She was always so logical and so clearly thinking, she helped me see a lot what others might see through their eyes. She has taught me to not care about what others think about me. The only person I should care about thinking about me is Christ. I loved her for that, it was a real confidence booster. I bet any girl needs that and a roomate to remind them that they are wonderful and that was Veronica to me. I want to thank my Heavenly Father and Savior for this wonderful life that they have given me. For all of the lessons and people that have been placed into my life thus far. I know that they were there for a reason and I am sooooooo grateful for each and every one of them. I love you Moriah Gaines. I love you Kezi Brown. I love you Rebekah Griffin. I love you Veronica Clark. Thank you all for helping me along this lovely journey of life, and being good friends that have helped shape me to a more Christ like person, from your Christ like example. Its true. Good friends do change you. If you let them.

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