Monday, May 11, 2015

My Love Story has just began

So many beautiful memories are rushing into my mind right now. Moments. Thoughts. Words he says. I'm trying to remember the first time we met... Oh, now I remember, how could I have forgotten. Sunday, September 15, 2013 was the day I met my later-to-be husband. Robert Wright was his name. He was in his group of three, along with Danner Kjar and Steven Rodger.They had asked us if they could sit next to us during Sunday School, and we of course, being the nice girls that we were said YES!  And that was a start of a beautiful friendship, or so I thought. Robert Wright was not like any person I have ever dated, he was very very and I mean very PERSISTENT. Almost to the point where I had to say no to him asking me out all of the time, (or so it felt like it to me anyway). Talk about return M-I-S-S-I-O-N-A-R-Y! haha... Anyway, I finally said yes to the poor guy, and ended up being a very interesting, fun and memorable first date.
We went Shooting. And to be honest, I almost murdered everyone in the group, because of my lack of gun skills. 

I can honestly say that after that, the ball started rolling. We tried to do everything to see each other, one of the ways was by going running at nights together, one of my fondest memories. And since  Robert was a dater, he took me on a ton of dates, and so you can say we dated  a lot after that. Then hit closer and closer to my birthday, who knew he would have already planned to buy tickets to go and see the famous, the one and only, the charming, the comedian Juanito Bandito. Shortly after that fun charade, Hit the wonderful cold season of December and not long after that was our First kiss. Fireworks went off in both my stomach and my mouth. Butterflies and shivers went up and down my body. My face turned bright red and I could really feel the heat rise through my pores. These mans lips were perfect. They came from an angel. Anyways. not long after that we became official on December 18,2013. (Fun fact, and a coincidence, on the same day as my parents anniversary.).. ooh fate knew what was coming ;) ... kinda creepy. We dated for the next winter semester as well, and things couldn't have gotten any better. The semester was coming to a close and felt like we needed to take different paths. So we did. I needed that summer and so I am very grateful for the decision that was made. I grew to rely heavily upon my Heavenly Father and My Savior. My relationship with them could not have been any better. 
September rolled around the corner and school was starting. Said goodbye to my wonderful co workers that I had worked with this summer, and my wonderful family, and headed off to Rexburg Idaho.  A brand new start, or so I thought. I look back and see how the Lord really works in mysterious ways. My good friend talked to me about Robert and that started a new path for both him and I, we both really loved each other and decided to re unite. We started dating again, He was same old Robert, but a bit different, and it was definitely a good different. Still my best friend, and anything I could possibly want in a future spouse. I could definitely say that I was the one a bit more frightened about the idea of marriage but I mean, who isn't? Well he certainly was a sneaky man and had bought my ring a month before he was going to propose, I had absolutely NO IDEA. And when I said NO IDEA, I mean NO IDEA AT ALL. I had been praying very fervently for an answer to the most important decision that I would ever make in my whole life. I remember my parents left to go to the movies one night and I was left all  alone in my house. I couldn't take it any longer, I walked over to the living room, knelt down and prayed. It took every part of me, I cried. I got done with the prayer and I sat there for a while. Just thinking. And out of no where my answer came.
 It was Robert. 
Every fear, doubt, frustration, left my soul and mind, and in came peace and joy and love. I can't describe how it felt. But I can say that I live by that answer everyday, and will until the end of my life. You know when the Lord works in mysterious ways, the very next day was a Monday, December 22, 2014. A day to remember. Robert had bought tickets to see Juanito Bandito again, but this time for my Christmas present. (Can you tell my husband loves Juanito Bandito yet?) We went to the show, and again it was very funny and we both had a great time.
 Robert then asks me if I wanted to go see the Tree of Life that was held in Draper. (his hometown) I agreed. As we arrived, he opened my door and I could really feel the cold wind across my face, Lets just walk around for a bit I asked and then go back to the car, its Cold! He nodded and we did just that. 
He then insisted on going to one more place before we went home for the night and so I agreed, and we pulled into a parking lot, and across from it, there was a beautiful dome shaped pavilion filled with Christmas lights, and wreaths and right in the ity bity center of it a very long and big mistletoe. So we walk into it and Robert sets me right underneath it. And he pours his whole heart and soul to me. He tells me how much he loves me, and by this time he can see in my face that I was ready to go back into the car. Because first of all its FREEZING outside. So he tries to take something out of his back pocket, I of course thinking its chaptstick because, something everyone needs to know about Robert's and I relationship, is that Robert always offers me chapstick when he notices they are getting a little low on the moisture side. So myself thinking, I am under a mistletoe, he is going to pull out some chapstick and kiss me, would have been classic Robert. But he pulls out a black little box. Something that looks very similar to a ring box... too similar to a ring box, my thoughts were racing oh my goodness what on earth is he doing, he is kneeling down, I felt like everything he was doing was in slow motion yet it was happening really quickly and right in front of me, I can't believe it, I just can't believe it, and the interrupting all of the thoughts in my head, I hear him say " Sharon, will you marry me?" I look at him for at least a second to me it felt like probably close to a decade and my stomach because tight and I am pretty sure I kinda threw up in my mouth, not because of nervousness.. okay maybe but maybe it was of extreme happiness too.  I blurt out Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!! By this time he puts the ring on of course the wrong finger, haha I guess you could say he was a little nervous too. He then puts me against one of the walls of the dome and he puts himself on the opposite side, so we are across from each other, he closes he hands around his mouth and whispers, I can't hear what he is saying until it traveled around the dome into my ears. He said I love you so much Sharon and I can't wait to be with your forever. And that started this whole journey. We fast forward 4 months and on Friday, April 24, 2015 in the Salt Lake City Temple, at 11:40 am we were sealed and  I had lost my old last name and regained a new one. Sharon Wright. 
I love my Robertito so much. I don't think I can explain to him the way I feel, and because of that I will by showing him every day of my life. 

I am definitely one lucky girl. And the Story begins...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Sharon!! I am so incredible excited and happy for you! You two are definitely an incredible couple! :)
