Sunday, November 8, 2015


OCTOBER 24, 2015
So I am volunteering this semester for the Biggest Winner at my school, which is very similar to Biggest Loser as seen on T.V. As for me and my role, I am a volunteer trainer and I have been given a group of individuals  to help achieve their weight loss goals. IT'S AWESOME. I absolutely LOVE my team, and LOVE my mentor trainers, we just have so much fun together. We have challenges every other week, the most recent one was the AMAZING RACE! I have to say that this one, was by far my favorite one! Why? Well because my "sisters" Sarah, and Hollie, were able to come and join me compete against the other teams. And let me just say, they were very much needed on the team.
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First clue lead us to the basketball court, we had to lay down and throw the ball from the ground into the net. WOOT WOOT SARAH!
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Just a super cute picture of little Miss Hollie!
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RED TEAM setting up a tent!
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Run RED TEAM Run.....
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We are such good pumpkin finders:)
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Sarah finding another pumpkin

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The results of the Amazing Race.. dun dun dun dun..... RED TEAM WON FIRST PLACE!

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