Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Marriage and Wolfs

Marriage is essential to our Heavenly Fathers plan.
    Now answer these questions, 
1. In my own life am I striving to become a better spouse or striving to later be a spouse?
2. As a priesthood or auxiliary leader, am I helping those I serve with basic principles to help strengthen their marriages and families?
Those were questions posed by Elder Bednar when explaining reasons to why Marriage is essential. If we aren't able to answer those questions, lets start with basic questions such as How do we strive to build an eternal family? Or even a strong marital relationship? I believe that it all comes down to us individually. We each as men and women have divine roles here on earth, we are each gifted with unique gifts, and our gender plays a role on this earth. If we understand this we are more able to utilize these tools to build a solid foundations for ourselves and help when we get married. The building blocks then go with spouses within a marriage, their foundation should be founded upon the words and teachings of Christ. Once rooted in Christ, they are able to build up from  there, their eternal family. You may be asking, Why is this unit of marriage so important? Well its important because God designed us to have families, how are we able have families?, we are suppose to first start with marriage. But in marriage it is not always sunshine and daisies, there is also rain and storms, Elder Hafen helps us to understand three wolfs that once recognized can help us over come these in marriage. First is Natural adversity, life happens, and there are ups and downs and with that to confront it we must grow closer rather than apart like mentioned in his talk. Like Adam and Eve before them, they mourned together, brokenhearted, in faith before the Lord. Second, was their own imperfections. Understanding that we, ourselves are not perfect, we have to understand that our spouse isn't either, but that is the beauty, we are able to better help each other work out those weaknesses and imperfections. Build each other up, rather than building them down. and Lastly excessive individualism,  personal autonomy is important but not in the way that Satan wants it, which exaggerates the need for having space, getting out, and being left alone. 
All in all, I believe truly that Marriage is important. I know that because I experience marriage everyday, no, marriage is by no means easy, but it is worth it. 

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