Monday, May 22, 2017

Love is the Key

If you haven’t already read this, you have got to, its called “ Our Perfect Example” by Elder Henry B. Eyring
I had a few thoughts I wanted to share will all of you today, and that is about how love should play a role in marriage.
“Love is the motivating principle by which the Lord leads us along the way towards becoming like Him, our perfect example. Our way of life, hour by hour, must be filled with the love of God and love for others. There is no surprise in that, since the Lord proclaimed those as the first and great commandments. It is love of God that will lead us to keep His commandments. And love of others is at the heart of our capacity to obey Him...He has offered us the family as an example of an ideal setting in which we can learn how to love as He loves.
Love is one of the key ingredients when making marriage last. Not only are we to feel Gods love for others but we are to do so in our very homes, with our families and in this case spouses.
I love how he mentions that God has offered us the family as an example of an ideal setting in which we can learn how to love as He loves. We were given families to practice our abilities to love one another. When starting a family, it starts out with a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, and between the two, practices of love for each other must occur to be successful. At times this may be difficult, we each have our own differences and our weaknesses may show a bit more, but Elder Eyring gives us advice on what  we can do to be able to strengthen our marriage as well as help us love our partner.
I give counsel to husbands and wives. Pray for the love which allows you to see the good in your companion. Pray for the love that makes weaknesses and mistakes seem small. Pray for the love to make your companion’s joy your own. Pray for the love to want to lessen the load and soften the sorrows of your companion.
There were many things that I was thinking he was going to say and he possibly could have said but these are inspired words in which I believe that if we do them wholeheartedly we will be able to feel closer to our spouse and love them the way God loves them.

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