Friday, June 2, 2017

We Come Second...

In my scriptures, on the first page I have a quote written that says; 
"Always put the welfare of your spouse first"
I read this a couple of years ago in a relief society lesson and it has always stuck with me. But what does that mean? Well, I believe that it is different for everybody and in every relationship. To some it may mean giving up watching a sports show to listen to a spouse after a long day of work, to another it may be giving advise to a spouse that is in need of help, and another it may be they are going through something difficult and need you to be there. In any situation that you find yourself in with your spouse pay close attention to the words of Elder Hafen, "But whatever you do, show in every action that your spouse has the highest priority. To be able to always put the welfare of our spouse first means to DO whatever we can to make them our highest priority. Do is an action word. We have to be doing things to be able to emotionally connect with one another. Its the same thing as wanting to buy a new suit, we have to work for it. Striving to have an emotional relationship with our spouse takes work and effort, but in the end it is definitely worth it, every single time. Creating that closeness between spouses helps build a foundation of trust, honesty, and love. If we are able to connect at that level we are more able to connect in times of trouble, which helps couples grow stronger together. Marriage isn't easy, and it definitely will cause our weaknesses to show, but that's what is the best part we are able grow through those experiences together, which again brings us closer emotionally.
My challenge to us all is to put our spouses first, and to do those things that will show love towards the other, if we do that we will be able to grow closer and have a stronger relationship. 

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