Saturday, June 17, 2017

Day to day forgiveness

As I go day to day in my own life, I have recognized that there are times when there is unnecessary conflict that stir up anger and frustration over small things such as, whose turn is it to wash the dishes, pointing fingers at whose fault it was that made the other late, or forgetting to pick up something from the store. There are many of these small things that may happen to you and you may be thinking of a few on your own.
My question to you is how are we able to take these day to day experiences and learn from them, instead of it causing negativity and anger within ourselves?
From the words of Elder James E Faust,
"We need to recognize and acknowledge angry feelings, it will take humility to do this, but if we can kneel down to our Heavenly father, and ask for a feeling of forgiveness, he will help us, the lord requires us to forgive all men; because hatred retards spiritual growth."
Yes, the answer to this question, takes humility and forgiveness! 
I never really understood what it meant to ask for forgiveness on a daily basis. I didn't think that I needed to because I didn't think I was a horrible person. But, as I have grown I have come to understand that I am not a  perfect human being, and although my sins aren't breaking commandments, I may fall short on other weaknesses that I have. 
In marriage, it is important to always be asking for forgiveness. It brings humility and the Spirit in our marriage and protects us from pride and anger. Two words,  that destruct marriages and brings Satan into our home. We need to understand that both our spouses and ourselves aren't perfect, and we are here on earth to learn to become more like Christ, and one of those ways is through humility and forgiveness. 
I want to end with the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 64:10
" I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."
I challenge you to recognize those small conflicts and to become humble enough to forgive, it will only help your marriage grow! 

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